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TITLE - How to Overcome Fearfulness in your Pet Sitting Business

How to Overcome Fearfulness in your Pet Sitting Business

One of my past students tagged me in a pet-sitting forum. I went through this thread, and the topic was about me as a coach and if my pet sitting business programs were worth it.

Some past students had terrific things to say, while others I have never spoken to or met were saying awful rude things. They said I was arrogant, full of myself, and anything I had to offer is a waste of money.

I was taken aback for a minute. I read through the thread, closed my eyes, felt it, and I said “How does this feel? It does not feel good. I’m not going to lie.”.

QUOTE - How to Overcome Fearfulness in your Pet Sitting Business


A couple of years ago, such judgment would have derailed me and have me in tears. I feared putting myself out there to start the coaching business and thinking about what people would say and if I’m good enough.

After all years of mindset work, working on my internal self and thoughts, and understanding what judgment means, I realized that I am good no matter what.

Do the internal work. Understand that not everyone will like you.

When you understand that no matter how nice, kind, and giving you are, there will be people who love you, those that are neutral to you, and those who will not like you, it is an inevitable fact. It would be best if you embraced it.

Embrace it and put yourself out into the world regardless. Understand that you are worthy.

How many pet owners can you service and take excellent care of their pets if you start working on this fear of judgment? Don’t let it hold you back.

Understand that for those people who are going to hate, let them hate. The ones who love you and are going to love your services are the people you want to attract to your business, and they are the ones you want to help.

As for the haters, wish them love, but be on your way.

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life coaching, owning a pet sitting business, pet sitting business, pet sitting business coach, Pet sitting business coaching