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Mastering Systems for Scalable Success

Discover the Power of Implementing Efficient Systems in Your Pet Sitting Business”!

Are you a pet sitting business owner looking to take your business to new heights? Do you want to learn how to streamline your operations, increase your revenue, and have more freedom? Then this event is for you! 💪💼

We will dive deep into the importance of implementing efficient systems in your pet sitting business. From scheduling and client management to team coordination and service quality, we will cover it all. Our expert speaker, Colleen Sedgwick will share their valuable insights, strategies, and tips to help you master systems for scalable success. 📚✨

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your pet sitting business and achieve the freedom and success you deserve! 🎉🚀

Spread the word and invite your fellow pet sitting business owners who could benefit from this valuable knowledge. 💌👥

Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download Mastering Systems for Scalable Success


Strategic Sales Funnel Secrets for Pet Sitters – Get More Clients, Earn More Money!

🔥 Are you eager to attract more clients and skyrocket your earnings as a pet sitter? Then this event is purr-fect for you! 🐾💰

Join us as we spill the beans on strategic sales funnel secrets that will revolutionize your pet sitting game.

🚀💼 We’ll dive deep into proven techniques and share expert tips to help you reach new heights of success in the pet care industry. 📈💸
In this fun and interactive session, we’ll explore how to create irresistible offers that will have pet owners flocking to your services like cats to a laser pointer!
🐾😻 We will reveal the secret sauce behind crafting high-converting sales funnels tailored specifically for pet sitters. 🙌🔑

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Mark your calendars, set your reminders, and get ready to take your pet-sitting business to new heights of success. 📅🕒


Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download Strategic Sales Funnel Secrets for Pet Sitters – Get More Clients, Earn More Money!



How to Make Consistent Sales With Your Dog Walking Business

The most common question is from many, many of you who are wondering how they can make consistent sales with their pet sitting or dog walking business.

Always Be Marketing.

My answer is always to be marketing so you always have clients. ABM. What does this mean? This means that you need to market your business to attract ideal clients to your company consistently. Most pet sitters I speak to aren’t marketing at all, and if they are marketing, they’ll do some things here or there.

They may lose a bunch of customers and then run out and do some drive-by marketing where they’re going to run out and do some stuff. And then the marketing stops.

With Your Dog Walking Business

Create a marketing plan, then add it to your marketing calendar.

As the business owner, petpreneur, visionary, and CEO of your company, it’s your responsibility to create a marketing plan and then add it to your marketing calendar. You are implementing a marketing strategy every Monday through Friday for your business.

We call this the Marketing Power wheel in my Multiply Mastermind program and my Launch and Grow program. I have all my students print it off and tape it up where they can see it. These are the marketing activities that they are told to do on a regular and consistent basis.

If they do that, they will regularly and consistently attract clients to their business.

Always be marketing, so you always have clients. It is a weekly task in your business. It’s not something you do here or there. Now, if you are stuck trading hours for dollars working in your business, you still need to build your team, and you don’t have any clients, or you don’t have any time to attract new clients, that’s an issue in itself.

That means you’re now the bottleneck in the business, and major business activities that need to be happening aren’t happening, and then your business is suffering, and it doesn’t grow.

Step into the petpreneurial role.

Understand that your job is to market on a consistent basis. Always be marketing, so you always have clients. It’s as simple as that.

Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download 30 Ways to Get More Pet Sitting Clients!


Blogging for Pet Sitters

Before we get into the basics, some of you may be wondering what a blog is, and this is a place to share content about a topic you’re most passionate about. So, in this case, it’s pets, pet sitting, and dog walking.

A blog will typically include written and visual elements published in an easy-to-read article format so that visitors can swiftly browse and find what they’re looking for. In short, you are creating content to post on your website to attract ideal customers and convert them into paying customers.

So you have to think: “What content can I create that my ideal prospect, aka pet owners in your area, would find valuable?

You create the content, and you post it on your blog. You use different keywords, specific keywords that your visitors are going to be typing into the Google search engine, which is then going to bring them to your website. They’re going to say, “Oh my gosh, what an amazing article. This is so great. Oh, look at this business. This is my local pet center. I’m going to call them to book service.”

Know your keywords.

So what are your ideal prospects typing into Google and search engines to find a pet sitter in your area? Are they typing in pet sitter Wayne, Pennsylvania, pet sitting Malvern, Pennsylvania, dog walking Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania? So on and so forth.

So it’s what you do, the service you provide, and where you live, and then you can swap those. Where you live, plus the services that you provide. So make a long list of these keywords, then you’re going to create articles and content around those keywords.

Remember that you are writing for people.

It will help if you remember that you are writing for people. So often, you’ll get to a blog, and you’re like, “This is just stuffed with keywords, and this is not meant to be anything but a search engine article, and I find zero value in it.”

Remember, you have people that will be reading this article, so you do want to write to your ideal prospect at the same time as using the keyword, so it's a good balance.

Consistency is the next key.

You need to create the content consistently. Most pet sitters I talk to start a blog; they’ll write a couple of blogs, and they won’t do it for a year, or they may do it every five months. No, you need to commit to a weekly or biweekly schedule.

This will show Google that your website is fresh and new and not just a stagnant brochure-type website. That means you will be shown up on the search engine results. You’re going to be favored, so you’re going to come up much higher if you consistently take action with posting to your blog.

Keep the long-term goal in mind.

Keep the long-term goal in mind. Blogging is not a fast business growth strategy. It is excellent for long-term sustainability. So these articles and content that you create will help you and your business for years and years and years to come, and it’s a compound effect.

As you continuously write and create valuable content for your ideal pet-owning community, it’s going to build, and it’s going to have a long-term positive effect on your business.

Use good SEO practices.

Aside from keywords, great bloggers know that there are many techniques that you can use to bring in more readers, including linking out to authority sites within your blog.

Don’t overstuff your blog posts with keywords. You want the reader to enjoy the value of the article. The keywords should compliment the blog post.

Link out to authority sites within your blog.

Authority sites are well-known websites that have a lot of clout. And if you are linking to them, Google knows that this is a trustworthy site and will rank your content higher.

Link internally to other related content on your site.

Link internally to other related content on your site, and use graphics and sub-headlines to break up long text passages. You ever go to those sites, and you see a bunch of texts, and you’re like, “Oh,” and immediately click away.

So using subheads, bold text, and images will help the reader’s experience.

Take time to write compelling meta descriptions.

So this again will help with your website’s search engine optimization.

Create content that other sites will link to.

You want to be in cahoots with other websites with the same target market that you can link back and forth. That also creates authority and clout for your blog.

Regularly share your articles to your email list and social media platforms.

You need to get the word out, and you need to share. So take the time to share your articles with your email list and all your social media platforms regularly.

Mix it up.

Not every post has to be 3000 words. You can do different types of blogs. You can do videos, infographics, curated content, short opinion pieces, and audio. There are all different things that you can do on your blog.

Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download 48 Social Media Post Ideas!


The Top 15 Website Mistakes that Pet Sitters Make

Not understanding how your website contributes to your strategy and, ultimately, your bottom line.

Most websites that I go to visit are just pretty much a brochure. This is the name of my business, the services we offer, and our pricing. Some phone numbers are thrown around there, but that’s pretty much it. There isn’t a whole lot of thought that goes behind it.

Your website should attract your ideal customers, repel your non-ideal customers, and convert your ideal prospects into paying customers.

It’s a whole customer journey they must go through on your website, starting from when they hit the homepage and click through. Every page should be set up so that you are incentivizing and telling your visitors what the next step is that you want them to take.

Not having a clear message.

Who you are, what you do, and how does it benefit your prospect. Basically, “Hi, I’m Colleen Sedgwick. I’m the owner of Pet Nanny pet sitters of The Main Line, the premier pet sitting service of The Main Line. We provide our pet-owning clients peace of mind while they work and travel.” So on and so forth.

“We will create a customized pet care plan so that you can travel worry-free,” or, “you can work worry-free,” speaking to the benefit that they are going to get and how we are the problem solver to those problems.

Again, most pet sitters, “Hi, this is my business name. These are the services we offer. If you feel like it’s a good fit, give me a call.” You want to speak to the pet parents. What are you providing to them apart from the dog walking, the pet sitting, and the house sitting services?

You are giving them peace of mind, which needs to be communicated through each page on your website.

Not showcasing the business owner on the website.

People like doing business with people. People, especially in a local community, want to know who they’re doing business with, and they want to know who’s coming into their house. I never see the owners on the website. It usually stock images of other pet sitters, dog walkers, or pets. The pet owner is rarely showcased.

If you are a sole proprietor, you’re a single woman show, make sure you have a video and a writeup about yourself and if you have team members, make sure that you are creating the know, like, and trust factor with a video of them as well.

Not including your service area and contact info on every page.

On the footer of your website, that’s where I put the services that we offer and the towns that we cover, plus we have a dedicated page to our service area, plus there are ways for them to contact us on every single page, plus there’s a contact us page, yet very well thought out.

How many websites I’ve gone to, and I’m like, “I have no idea what state this pet sitting business is in. It says it’s nowhere!” This should be communicated on every page.

No clear calls to action.

Again, that brochure website, that brochure mentality. “Here’s what the services we offer.” No, you want to say, “Click here to request a quote,” or, “Click here to become a client,” or, “Click here to learn more about our services,” or, “Click here to learn more about our owner,” or, “Click here to get your high-value coupon. Click here to learn more about our amazing pet care professionals.” So on and so forth.

You are leading them down the path and telling them what actions to take on each page. This is a journey, right? So, we’re creating that relationship with the people that land on your website.

Not including social proof.

So, testimonials, testimonials, testimonials. Social proof is the most powerful marketing you can do in the pet sitting industry and is free. You should be showcasing that all over your website.

Not maximizing your footer.

As I already mentioned, I use my footer for keywords, and I use it for our service area. So, what towns that we cover. Very important.

Wasting the above-the-fold space.

How many websites do I go to, and it’s like there’s maybe a dog running, a gif of some sort, then there’s a whole bunch of white space, and I have to scroll down even to find out what the company’s name is, why I’m there.

Above the fold comes from the olden days of newspapers, and people would always read above the fold. So, above where the newspaper folded. That’s the same with a website. It’s before they have to scroll. This is prime real estate. You have 0.3 seconds to make an impression on your visitors. You want them to hit that space and be like, “Oh, wow, interesting.” Calls to action, video, opt-in offer, all right there before they scroll.

QUOTE - The Top 15 Mistakes that Pet Sitters Make

Having self-moving elements ruin the user experience.

People don’t like videos that play automatically or those type of gif things. A confused mind says, “No.” People click away from that. So, remove any of that that you have on your website.

Too much visual clutter.

Making it nice and organized for people and their experience. Again, a confused mind says, “No.” If you have a bunch of stuff, a bunch of moving gifs, a bunch of stuff going here and there, then people’s brains are going to get confused, and they’re going to click away.

The font size is too small.

Especially now, I can’t read anything without my glasses. I’m like, “I can’t read the type.” You have got to make your type bigger on your websites and emails.

Not having a question in the headline.

So, old school marketing tactic is a poll marketing question. You want the first thing that you ask them on the website for them to answer yes. “Do you want your pet to get lots of exercises when you’re forced to leave them home alone?”

“Yes, I want that.”

“Do you want to travel worry-free and know that your pet is in the very best of hands, your pet in your home?”


That is an emotional trigger for your pet sitting prospect clients that hit your website. So, poll marketing questions. What you could ask your visitors that they could answer yes to will move them along the process.

Having typos and grammatical errors.

That’s an easy one, happens to the best of us. I still find some here and there, but do your best there. I love the tool Grammarly. It’s one of my favorites. I use it every day.

Not having a mobile-friendly site.

Eighty percent of your traffic will come from people on their mobile phones. So, you need to make sure that your website is also mobile-friendly. You’ve been to those sites where you’re like, “I don’t understand what I’m looking at,” because it’s not mobile responsive. It’s not changing based on the device the person’s looking at.

Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download The Top 15 Website Mistakes that Pet Sitters Make!


Sitter Spotlight: Laura Breakstone

Today I have a special guest in my home office, which never, ever happens. My student and friend Laura Breakstone, who’s also a Pennsylvanian, came down to visit me today to record this video in person. Then we’ll go grab dinner and catch up on all the goodness on what’s going on with her business. Thank you for being here.

Laura Breakstone:

Yes, yes, I’m very happy to be here.

Colleen Sedgwick:

So I wanted to shoot this video so you can talk about your experience with Pet Nanny Coach, the Launch & Grow Program and the Multiply Mastermind program. So it could be helpful to see what you’ve gotten from it and help others decide if it’s a good fit.

Laura Breakstone:


Colleen Sedgwick:

All right, so first, can you tell everybody how you came to find Pet Nanny Coach?

Laura Breakstone:

Yeah, I was browsing YouTube, and I just had a dream in my head and thought, what would it take to run a pet sitting business? And all of a sudden, you pop up, and that’s how I got started.

Colleen Sedgwick:

If you go to, you can go to my channel; I’ve got a ton of videos there, from basic videos on how to start a pet-sitting business to videos about automations and high-level strategies. So you can hit over there or not now, watch this first, and then you can go there.

All right, first question. So before we started working together, what problems and struggles were you experiencing? So you were not already a pet sitter. You were a brand new-

Laura Breakstone:

Yeah, I was completely new to the business idea of it. I was doing pet sitting under the table. I was working as a manager at a couple of retail stores and pet retail stores. And people would come in, and they’d say, “Oh, well, do you know a pet sitter?” And I’d say, “Well yeah, I do some pet sitting.”

So it was just on the side, and I saw the potential for it to grow, especially when I started working for the little mom and pop shop because then you get to know people there, they start to know and trust you, as you always say, and yeah, I saw a lot of potential with that. So yeah, that was a side gig.

Colleen Sedgwick:

All right, good. So how did you decide to, or how’d you come to be enrolled in the Launch & Grow program?

Laura Breakstone:

I just wanted to take everything to the next level. I decided I was ready. I don’t think there was any monumental moment other than I just thought, let’s try it out, because I mean, I wanted to shoot for my dreams and give it a whirl. There was no monumental moment. I think I just thought I was ready.

Colleen Sedgwick:

Good. All right, so the Launch & Grow Your Dream Pet Sitting Business is for brand new pet sitters that don’t necessarily have a business yet or for pet sitters that may be in business for a little bit. Still, they’re not getting the results they want, and what I teach in that program is the foundational pieces you need to get to 3k months, and then we take you to 10k months from there.

So that’s the idea. I have my 3k month framework and my 10k month framework. So Laura started in the Launch & Grow program, the 3k framework, and then she enrolled in the Multiply Mastermind program, and it has been such a blessing to have you as part of the program. You’re such a shining ray of sunlight into my life.

Laura Breakstone:

Thank you.

Colleen Sedgwick:

A+ student just decided to make the commitment and go all in. So what made you decide then to go onto the Mastermind?

Laura Breakstone:

I needed more. I just needed more. It worked out so well, and I thought this program is amazing. What’s the next level? I needed to know that next level.

Colleen Sedgwick:

It’s much more advanced.

Laura Breakstone:

Yeah, yeah, it’s a lot more advanced because with the Launch & Grow, it’s just getting that initial stuff out of the way, forming the LLC, building a website, all that stuff, so then once you have that down, then it’s like, now what? That was the biggest thing, it’s like, okay, well, I’m started, but now what? That was a scary thing for me, so the fact that you had a program laid out to tell me, here’s what you do, I had to go for it.

Colleen Sedgwick:

Good. And here’s the problem, guys, is that many pet sitters don’t even know what’s next. Let’s say they may jump and start their businesses, lay the foundational pieces, and have clients, but they don’t understand how to scale their business, and they get stuck working in their businesses instead of on their businesses.

And the truth is that there are only so many hours in a day that you can trade for dollars, so you get stuck completely trading hours for dollars and can’t scale the business.

And that is where the Multiply Mastermind program comes in. It’s how to multiply your existing business, where you have a client base, you’re making money, but now we want to take it to the next level where you’re making money with working less.

So the less you work, the more you make, the more freedom you have, and the more impact you can have because of all the clients you’re going to be able to serve. So that’s the difference between getting out and working in the business. So before you joined, what fears, what were you worried about? Were you worried about anything?

Laura Breakstone:

Before I joined Multiply Mastermind you’re talking about?

Colleen Sedgwick:


Sitter Spotlight Laura Breakstone

Laura Breakstone:

I don’t know anything I was worried about regarding the program because that was super laid out. I mean, there’s always that financial aspect of it, too, that you have to consider, but the way I looked at it is like you’re paying for a college class.

And actually, I got to tell you that this is worth more to me than a college class. I’m serious, I paid for four years of college, and I feel like I learned more doing this than I did my entire four years of college because in college, you’re paying for a lot of fluff courses.

Colleen Sedgwick:


Laura Breakstone:

Let’s be real, I mean, it’s a lot of fluff, and I’m not technically using my degree. Although it applies to this industry, it’s a pre-vet degree.

Colleen Sedgwick:


Laura Breakstone:

But this, actually, I learn more doing this.

Colleen Sedgwick:


Laura Breakstone:

Because it’s real-world practical experience and knowledge that you’re gaining.

Colleen Sedgwick:

Right, business structure, business advice, online marketing advice, how to find clients, service them. Good, that makes me happy. All right, what are the greatest results and benefits you have received from being in the Mastermind?

Laura Breakstone:

There’s so many. There are so many. How do I even rattle them off? One of the most obvious ones is just revenue increase. I mean, you see that every single month, increase after increase.

But there are business things you learn from this program, but there are also life things you learn from this program too, and both of them were near and dear to me. There’s certain things that you have to overcome a lot of mental hurdles with, like self-confidence issues and things like that, and this program also helps you battle some of those anxieties and fears, which was another great benefit out of this. Especially with the book club, that’s great. Inspirational reading. It’s changed my life.

Colleen Sedgwick:

Yeah, I had a student tell me that the book club has been life-changing for her the other day.

Laura Breakstone:

Mm-hmm, yeah.

Colleen Sedgwick:

So the year that Laura joined, I decided to incorporate a lot of mindset work versus just business strategy because that’s what I was known for, and I thought, you know what? What’s missing here is the mindset piece because people get stuck in fear, people get stuck in not wanting to step out of their comfort zone, so I thought, I need to add an element to this program that we work on that, and one of those things is a book club that we do.

We dive deep into the book and do workbooks and exercises based on the principles we learn. So not only are my students getting a lot out of it, I am too. I love it.

Laura Breakstone:

Yeah, yeah.

Colleen Sedgwick:

At first, I was like, I don’t want to be reading a book every month, but they need this, and now I’m like, it’s great.

Laura Breakstone:

Yeah, and the audiobook option also helps because you just read in the car.

Colleen Sedgwick:


Laura Breakstone:

Well, listen in the car. You don’t read in the car.

Colleen Sedgwick:

Yeah, listen in the car. And it’s not mandatory. I tell all my students that join, “I would love for you to be part of this, but if you don’t want to be, that’s fine too. It’s not part of the core curriculum,” but I think it’s really helpful.

Laura Breakstone:

Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Colleen Sedgwick:

All right, good. All right, so would you recommend the Multiply Mastermind to pet sitting business owners who want to multiply to 10k or more a month through sales, systems, and support?

Laura Breakstone:

Yes, big yes, Oh my gosh, I do recommend it. Any chance I can get I recommend you because it’s just a life-changing program.

Colleen Sedgwick:

Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate you being here.

Laura Breakstone:

Yes, absolutely.

Colleen Sedgwick:

All right, guys, any questions about the Multiply Mastermind, you can go to On that page, you’ll get all of the information about the program and what’s included, and you can apply on that page. We’ll hop on a call to discuss to see if we are a good fit to work together, and we’ll go from there. All right, but if you are interested, go to, and hopefully, we’ll be chatting soon.

Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download The Complete Checklist For Starting a Pet Sitting Business!


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Implement Two Follow-up Systems in Your Pet Sitting Business

One of the greatest opportunities overlooked by pet sitters or service-based business owners is the fortune in the follow-up. My suggestion for you is to create two follow-up systems.

Implement Two Follow-up Systems in Your Pet Sitting Business

For Prospective Customers

One for prospective customers, so people that have expressed interest in working with you, whether they emailed you, called you, filled out a form, reached out on Facebook, they have somehow said, “Ooh, this sounds good. Let me learn more.” Those are your prospective customers.

For Existing Customers

People who have used you in the past have already raised their hand and said, “Yes, I want to work with you.”

If you have a system in place following up with them regularly, giving them advice about pet care, putting in reminders to book service or incentives to book service, you’re just consistently keeping in touch and following up with these people; you are drastically going to increase the rate that your existing customers book from you.

So two systems. One for prospective customers, people that have said, “Yes, I’m interested.” And, of course, the people who have already said yes need to be reminded. You will get many more bookings if you send out these reminders and touchpoints.

Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download 30 Ways to Get More Pet Sitting Clients!


A Cheap and Effective Old School Marketing Strategy

Today, our pet business growth video is an old-school marketing strategy. When I’m coaching my students, I’ve noticed that everybody is super duper excited about learning all of the hot online marketing strategies I have to offer. Don’t get me wrong; I love online marketing. But I need to remind them that the old school, grassroots marketing strategies still work.

We go around in our community and pass out flyers once a month. For example, here is a flyer from Pet Nanny Pet Sitters of the Main Line. This flyer has a QR code right here, so anyone that sees it with their camera can take a shot at the QR code, which takes them to a high-value coupon, which then has a call to action to sign up for pet nanny service.

This works. So here’s a marketing template: I give this to my students in my Multiply Mastermind program, and then they can go ahead and make it their own. They can change images, colors, logos, and such to make it easy.

pet business marketing strategy


This is an effective pet business marketing strategy. We also use it for hiring. So here we go, we talk about Pet Nanny is hiring, are you passionate about pups, crazy for cats, fearless about frogs or iguanas, rabbits, chinchillas, or other exotic pets, so on and so forth. The QR code then takes them to the application page on our website.

Do not forget about the old-school marketing strategies because these work. Go around your community, find out where they have bulletin boards where you can post these, and do it. It’s so inexpensive. You can create this on Canva, have it printed right from Canva, and take action on this strategy within a week. So that’s your homework. Take action.

Hey there, Newbie Pet Sitter! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed with starting your pet sitting business? Fret no longer, my friend. I’ve got ya covered!

Enter Your Info Below to Download 30 Ways to Get More Pet Sitting Clients!